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Winnipeg Goldeyes to give fans ‘Dancin’ Gabe’ bobblehead

WINNIPEG — One of Winnipeg’s biggest sports fans is about to be celebrated in bobblehead form.
The first 1,000 baseball fans in attendance to Shaw Park on July 13 will receive a Dancin’ Gabe bobblehead.
Gaberial Langlois, known by many as “Dancin’ Gabe”, can regularly be seen at Winnipeg Jets, Manitoba Moose, Winnipeg Blue Bomber and Winnipeg Goldeyes games dancing along to the music between plays.
RELATED: Winnipeg Jets fans trying to get ‘Dancin’ Gabe’ on national stage
The Winnipeg Goldeyes revealed the dancing toy Tuesday, saying it will be given away on the team’s “Hometown Heroes” night, when the team takes on the Sioux City Explores.
“We are extremely grateful for Gabe’s contributions to the City of Winnipeg, and even prouder to call him a member of the Goldeyes’ family,” said Goldeyes’ owner Sam Katz.
“Gabe is a true inspiration to everyone he encounters, and honouring him in this way is the least we could do in return for his unconditional loyalty to our local teams.”
Diagnosed with Autism as a child, Langlois has overcome various obstacles throughout his life, and is now the most recognized and beloved sports fan in the city.
The La Prairie, Quebec native attends more than 100 sporting events in Winnipeg each year, and was even present for the inaugural ground breaking ceremony at Shaw Park in 1998.
During his time as the city’s number one “super fan,” Langlois has been actively involved in helping local charities that support Manitobans with disabilities.
READ MORE: Dancing Gabe and Brian Barkley honoured by Winnipeg Mayor
Last year, a book was released about him on the impact he has had on the city.
